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ACFA Panel® is a lightweight insulated interlocking sandwich wall panel using two facings of fiber cement sheet with a cementitious core incorporating lightweight aggregates and non–toxic fire-rated eps bead. Once the wall panels are erected the surface is finished and does not require further work.
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10 +
Years Of Experience

Different Sizes & Dimensions

3000x610x200 mm

3000x610x150 mm

2400x600x100 mm

2400x600x150 mm

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Frequently Asked Question

ACFA Light Weight Panel Technology was first patented by the originator, Professor Julius Elischer, of Perth, Australia in 1971. The product has since been developed to the point where it is now regarded internationally as a superior wall solution to conventional brick or block masonry systems.

As a product ACFA Light Weight Panel type, ACFA Panel is a lightweight Concrete sandwich Wall panel using two facings of fiber cement sheet with a cementitious core incorporating lightweight aggregates and non-toxic chemicals. Once the wall panels are erected the surface is finished and does not require further work.

The standard thickness is 100, 150 and 200 mm. Normal widths are 600 and 610 mm. Standard heights are 2400mm & 3000 mm.

ACFA Light Weight Panels used in single-story house walls are capable of accepting up to ten times the conventional roof loading, ACFA Light Weight Panel panels used as load-bearing walls in two-story building structures result in fast and efficient construction.

ACFA Light Weight Panel can be used as external or internal walls in conventional buildings, remote area housing, transportable houses, demountable refugee housing, disaster shelters, partition walls, fire-rated walls, sunscreens, and facades on multi-level buildings. Panels can also be used for roof sheds, fences, and many other farm uses. ACFA Panels with ACFA Plus facing sheets are used for wet area application.

Increasing the sound transmission coefficient above the range of 47-50dB using White sheet Foam inserted inside ACFA Light Weight Panel.

Wooden doors and windows are fitted traditionally. Aluminum and steel frames are manu- factured so that the jambs or stiles surface fit or clamp around the ACFA light Weight Panel walls.

Yes, panels may be easily repaired. Panels can be patched or flushed to give a smooth surface finish.

Yes, particular care must be paid to jointing methods in the fire-rated application. Manuals are available detailing methods of panel construction and jointing.

There are no restrictions to ACFA Panel use, although special design techniques must be employed where seismic or high wind load conditions exist. For freeze-thaw conditions, a suitable surface sheet or a special treatment must be applied to the panels.

The ACFA Light Weight Panel may be surface chased: the conduit inserted, cut, filled, and flushed to a smooth finish. The panel can also be bored down the core to take electrical wiring or other services.

Yes, fixtures such as toilet cisterns, cabinets, and air conditioning units are secured with conventional fixings. A chart is available detailing test results with various twings.

ACFA Panel combines the speed of assembly, quality finish, high fire rating, and solid masonry feel while eliminating wet trades. Good thermal and sound transmission coefficient make it an ideal solution for almost all internal and external wall requirements.

There are no restrictions to ACFA Panel use, although special design techniques must be employed where seismic or high wind load conditions exist. For freeze-thaw conditions, a suitable surface sheet or a special treatment must be applied to the panels.
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